Bring your own project or just come and learn! This is a time to relax, enjoy a nice tea or coffee, hang out with others, learn from each other, and make some progress on that project that you've been dreaming of finishing (or even starting!). An experienced Crocheter will be on hand to help you […]
Instructor: Miss K Class: Saturday, December 7th 2pm-4pm Cost: $25 for class, supplies and cafe voucher. *Limit 5 students*
Instructor: Miss K Class: Sunday, December 8th 2pm-4pm Cost: $35 for a 2hr class and all supplies for a unique ornament set. *Limit 10 students*
Are you ready for Adventure? Come join the quest Sunday afternoons at ArtisTree as we practice the art of interactive storytelling! **Free to enter and play **No experience needed. **Under 18's allowed with guardian and DM permission **Regardless of age, you must be able to participate in the game in a way that is safe […]